长春新碱 硫酸酯

长春新碱 硫酸酯



长春新碱 硫酸酯

CAS编号 2068-78-2 | 品牌:Jinpan
Vincristine sulfate




  • 分子式 C46H56N4O10·H2SO4
  • 分子量923.04
  • Beilstein号 3924631
  • EC号 218-190-0
  • PubChem编号 249332

货号 (SKU) 包装规格 是否现货 价格 数量
V432299-5mg 5mg 期货 长春新碱 硫酸酯  
V432299-1mg 1mg 期货 长春新碱 硫酸酯  
V432299-25mg 25mg 期货 长春新碱 硫酸酯  


产品名称 长春新碱 硫酸酯
英文名称 Vincristine sulfate
别名 长春新碱 硫酸盐, VCR, 长春醛碱 硫酸盐, 醛基长春碱 硫酸盐
英文别名 Leurocristine sulfate salt, VCR, 22-Oxovincaleukoblastine sulfate salt, Vincristine sulfate salt
规格或纯度 符合USP测试规范
运输条件 超低温冰袋运输
生化机理 Vincristine sulfate possesses antitumor action targeting cell cycle. It prevents the action of tubulin by inhibiting microtubule polymerization. It also causes cell death and blocks metaphase in mitosis by preventing chromosome segregation. Vincristine sulfate inhibits angiogenesis mediated by factors such as vasculature endothelial growth factor. It decreases vascularization in tumors and normal tissues.



Vincristine sulfate has been used: as a positive control in potato disc anti-tumor bioassay as a standard cytotoxic agent to treat cells for manipulation of the microtubule network use product name over-ride for USP name – jk 6/2/2005

General Description

Vincristine sulfate is an alkaloid present in Cantharanthus roseus .


Vincristine sulfate has been used: as a positive control in potato disc anti-tumor bioassay as a standard cytotoxic agent to treat cells for manipulation of the microtubule network


CAS编号 2068-78-2
熔点 300 °C
储存温度 -20°C储存
分子量 923.04
分子式 C46H56N4O10·H2SO4
EC号 218-190-0
品牌 Jinpan
PubChem CID 249332