紫红胆盐葡萄糖琼脂(USP)(Violet Red Bile Glucose Agar)

紫红胆盐葡萄糖琼脂(USP)(Violet Red Bile Glucose Agar)

英文名称: Violet Red Bile Glucose Agar
产品货号: JP0116-5
产品规格: 250g
保质期: 三年
产品用途: 用于肠道菌计数和肠杆菌科鉴别
备  注:




Pancreatic digest of gelatin/胰酶解明胶  7.0
Yeast extract/酵母浸粉  3.0
Glucose monohydrate/水合葡萄糖  10.0
Sodium chloride/氯化钠  5.0
Bile salts/胆盐  1.5
Agar/琼脂  15.0
Neutral red/中性红  0.03
Crystal violet/结晶紫  0.002
pH值7.4±0.2                    25℃

检验原理:胰酶解明胶和酵母浸粉提供碳氮源和微量元素;水合葡萄糖是可发酵的糖类;氯化钠可维持均衡的渗透压;脱氧胆酸钠和结晶紫抑制革兰氏阳性菌,特别抑制革兰氏阳性杆菌和粪肠球菌;中性红为pH 指示剂。


Suspend41.5g/liter, heat to boiling with frequent stirring until completely dissolved.

称取本品41.5g,加热溶解于1000ml 蒸馏水中,煮沸不要超过2分钟,冷至50℃左右时倾入无菌平皿。无需高压灭菌。












紫红胆盐葡萄糖琼脂(USP)(Violet Red Bile Glucose Agar)相关产品:

产品货号 产品名称 产品规格 产品说明及用途
JP9218 洋葱伯克霍尔德菌选择性琼脂(BCSA)(USP)
Burkholderia Cepacia Selective Agar
250g 用于药品中洋葱伯克霍尔德菌的选择性分离培养(USP标准)
JP4126 V-J琼脂培养基(USP)(Vogel-Johnson Agar Medium)
Vogel-Johnson Agar Medium
250g 用于金黄色葡萄球菌选择性分离培养
JP4128-2 甘露醇盐琼脂培养基(USP)(Mannitol Salt Agar)
Mannitol Salt Agar
250g 用于金黄色葡萄球菌选择性分离培养
JP5189-1 酪蛋白胨大豆卵磷脂吐温20培养基(USP)(Casein DigestSoy LecithinPolysorbate 20 Medium)
Casein DigestSoy LecithinPolysorbate 20 Medium
250g 用于药品(含防腐剂)的中和剂
JP4114-1 大豆-干酪素消化物培养基
Tryposec Soya Modified
250g 用于金黄色葡萄球菌的MPN测定,增菌培养,氯化钠浓度可根据需要而调整
JP4115-2 BairdParker琼脂基础(USP)(Baird-Parker Agar Medium)
Baird-Parker Agar Medium
250g 用于金黄色葡萄球菌的选择性分离培养
JP8445 假单胞菌琼脂培养基F(USP)(Pseudomonas Agar for Detection of Fluorescin)
Pseudomonas Agar for Detection of Fluorescin
250g 用于假单胞菌,特别是绿脓假单胞菌的
JP8444-1 假单胞菌琼脂培养基P(USP)(Pseudomonas Agar Medium for Detection of Pyocyanin)
Pseudomonas Agar Medium for Detection of Pyocyanin
250g 用于绿脓杆菌的绿脓菌素测定试验
JP4113-1 液体乳糖培养基(USP)(Fluid Lactose Medium)
Fluid Lactose Medium
250g 用于食品中沙门氏菌检验前增菌培养
JP4085-1 液体亚硒酸盐胱氨酸培养基(USP)(Fluid Selenite-Cystine Medium)
Fluid Selenite-Cystine Medium
250g 用于沙门氏菌选择性增菌培养
JP4086-2 液体连四硫酸盐培养基(USP)(Fluid Tetrathionate Medium)
Fluid Tetrathionate Medium
250g 用于沙门氏菌选择性增菌培养
JP0173-1 煌绿琼脂培养基
Brilliant Green Agar Medium
250g 用于沙门氏菌(除伤寒沙门氏菌和志贺氏菌外)分离培养
JP4105-1 XLD琼脂培养基(USP)(Xylose-Lysine-Desoxycholate Agar)
Xylose-Lysine-Desoxycholate Agar Medium
250g 用于沙门氏菌的选择性分离培养
JP4090-1 亚硫酸铋琼脂培养基(USP)(Bismuth Sulfite Agar Medium)
Bismuth Sulfite Agar Medium
250g 用于沙门氏菌选择性分离培养
JP4088-2 三糖铁琼脂培养基(USP)(Triple SugarIronAgar Medium)
Triple SugarIronAgar Medium
250g 用于肠杆菌科细菌的生化反应筛选
JP8458 麦康凯琼脂培养基(USP)(MacConkey Agar Medium)
MacConkey Agar Medium
250g 用于肠道致病菌的选择性分离培养
JP0107-1 伊红美蓝琼脂培养基(Levine)(USP)(Levine Eosin-Methylene Blue Agar Medium)
Levine Eosin-Methylene Blue Agar Medium
250g 弱选择性培养基,用于分离肠道致病菌,特别是大肠杆菌
JP0233-11 马铃薯葡萄糖琼脂培养基(USP)(Potato Dextrose Agar Medium)
Potato Dextrose Agar Medium
250g 用于霉菌和酵母菌计数
JP8418-1 PH7.0缓冲氯化钠蛋白胨溶液(USP)(Buffered Sodium Chloride Peptone Solution PH7.0)
Buffered Sodium Chloride Peptone Solution PH7.0
250g 用于药品中细菌的前增菌或样品制备
JP4086-2 液体连四硫酸盐培养基(USP)(Fluid Tetrathionate Medium)
Fluid Tetrathionate Medium
250g 用于沙门氏菌选择性增菌培养
JP4114-12 大豆酪蛋白消化物培养基(SCDM)(USP)
Soybean Casein Digest Medium
250g 一种通用的微生物培养基,用于多种微生物的培养
JP7026 胰蛋白胨大豆琼脂
Soybean-Casein Digest Agar Medium
250g 一种通用的营养培养基,用于各种微生物的培养
JP5184-2 溴化十六烷基三甲铵琼脂培养基(USP)(Cetrimide Agar Medium)
Cetrimide Agar Medium
250g 用于绿脓假单胞菌的分离培养
JP8313 麦康凯肉汤(USP)(MacConkey Broth)
MacConkey Broth
250g 用于大肠杆菌、大肠菌群的检测
JP0401-1 沙氏葡萄糖肉汤(usp)(Sabouraud-Dextrose Broth)
Sabouraud-Dextrose Broth
250g 用于霉菌和酵母菌的增菌培养
JP8855 培养基10(USP)(Medium 10)
Medium 10
250g 用于多粘菌素B等抗生素效价测定的菌层培养基
JP8854 培养基9(USP)(Medium 9)
Medium 9
250g 用于多粘菌素B等抗生素效价测定的底层培养基
JP8906 抗生素培养基5号(USP)(Antibiotic Medium 5)
Antibiotic Medium 5
250g 用于微生物方法测定抗生素效价
JP8907 抗生素培养基11号(USP)(Antibiotic Medium 11)
Antibiotic Medium 11
250g 用于微生物方法测定抗生素效价
JP8894 培养基4(USP)(Medium 4)
Medium 4
250g 用于微生物方法测定抗生素效价
JP8564 培养基19(USP)(Medium 19)
Medium 19
250g 用于酵母菌的药敏试验
JP8692-6 培养基3(USP)(Medium 3)
Medium 3
250g 用于药品抗生素效价测定
JP8818 培养基39(USP)(Medium 39)
Medium 39
250g 用于抗生素效价测定
JP8457 D-泛酸钙检验培养基(USP) 250g 用于微生物实验
JP5189-2 液体酪蛋白消化物-大豆卵磷脂吐温20(Fluid Casein Digest-Soy Lecithin-Poysorbate 20 Medium)
Fluid Casein Digest-Soy Lecithin
250g 用于样品制备的稀释液
JP0167-4 R2A琼脂(USP)(R2A Agar)
R2A Agar
250g 用于工艺用水中细菌总数的计数
JP5190-43 硫乙醇酸盐流体培养基(USP)(Fluid Thioglycollate Medium)
Fluid Thioglycollate Medium
250g 用于药品、生物制品无菌检测,检测好氧菌和厌氧菌
JP0124-5 哥伦比亚琼脂(USP)(Columbia agar )
Columbia agar
250g 营养非常丰富,用于各种细菌的基础培养
JP0173-3 亮绿琼脂培养基(USP)(Brilliant Green Agar Medium)
Brilliant Green Agar Medium
250g 用于沙门氏菌(除伤寒沙门氏菌和志贺氏菌外)的分离培养
JP4198-22 RV沙门菌增菌液体培养基(USP)(Rappaport Vassiliadis Salmonella Enrichment Broth)
Rappaport Vassiliadis Salmonella Enrichment Broth
250g 用于沙门氏菌选择性增菌培养
JP8484-3 荧光色素测定用培养基(USP)(Pseudomonas Agar Medium for Detection of Fluorescin )
Pseudomonas Agar Medium for Detection
250g 用于假单胞菌 ,特别是绿脓假单胞菌的分离和增殖培养,主要作荧光素鉴别用
JP5187-2 绿脓菌素测定用培养基(USP)(Pseudomonas Agar Medium for Detection of Pyocyanin)
Pseudomonas Agar Medium for Detection of Pyocyanin
250g 用于绿脓杆菌的绿脓菌素测定试验
JP9601 培养基34(USP)(Medium 34)
Medium 34
250g 用于微生物方法测定抗生素效价
JP9602 培养基35(USP)(Medium 35)
Medium 35
250g 用于微生物方法测定抗生素效价
JP9603 培养基36(USP)(Medium 36)
Medium 36
250g 用于微生物方法测定抗生素效价
JP9604 培养基40(USP)(Medium 40)
Medium 40
250g 用于微生物方法测定抗生素效价
JP9605 培养基41(USP)(Medium 41)
Medium 41
250g 用于微生物方法测定抗生素效价
JPKP8313 麦康凯肉汤(USP)(颗粒)(MacConkey Broth)
MacConkey Broth
250g 用于大肠杆菌、大肠菌群的检测

Red fluorescent silica particles, amine function Cat. No. Si100-AMRB-1 100 nm 0.5 mL修饰性聚乙二醇


Red fluorescent silica particles, amine function

Cat. No. Si100-AMRB-1 Red fluorescent silica particles, amine function           Cat. No. Si100-AMRB-1     100 nm    0.5 mL
Specification 100 nm
Unit Size 0.5 mL
Price $385.00

Qty Add to Cart

Red Fluorescent and amine functional Silica Particles:

Nanocs offers a number of Red fluorescent and multifunctional silica nanoparticles and microbeads with particle size ranging from 50 nm to 12 microns. Our proprietary synthetic methods ensure the strong fluorescent signal, high photostability of these fluorescent beads. These red fluorescent particles have excitation/emission wavelength around 546 nm/575 nm. On the other hand, primary amine groups on these fluorescent beads can be used to react with other groups. These particles have wide applications in flow cytometry, lateral flow assay, gene sequencing and many other bioassay development. These fluorescent multifunctional particles can include various fluorescent dyes from UV region to near IR, include coumarin, fluoresceins, rhodamines, cyanine dyes, alexa fluor dyes. Customer conjugation and modification is available upon request.

Red fluorescent silica particles, amine function           Cat. No. Si100-AMRB-1     100 nm    0.5 mL

Bead Properties:

  • Concentration: 1~2% suspension in aqueous solution, other concentration available upon request;
  • Color: Pink to purple;
  • Excitation/Emission: ~545 nm/576 nm;

Storage Conditions:

  • Store at 4-8 0C. Protect from light. DO NOT FREEZE.

Tags: Fluorescent Silica Beads,

Red fluorescent silica particles, amine function Cat. No. Si500-AMRB-1 500 nm 0.5 mL修饰性聚乙二醇


Red fluorescent silica particles, amine function

Cat. No. Si500-AMRB-1 Red fluorescent silica particles, amine function           Cat. No. Si500-AMRB-1     500 nm    0.5 mL
Specification 500 nm
Unit Size 0.5 mL
Price $385.00

Qty Add to Cart

Red Fluorescent and amine functional Silica Particles:

Nanocs offers a number of Red fluorescent and multifunctional silica nanoparticles and microbeads with particle size ranging from 50 nm to 12 microns. Our proprietary synthetic methods ensure the strong fluorescent signal, high photostability of these fluorescent beads. These red fluorescent particles have excitation/emission wavelength around 546 nm/575 nm. On the other hand, primary amine groups on these fluorescent beads can be used to react with other groups. These particles have wide applications in flow cytometry, lateral flow assay, gene sequencing and many other bioassay development. These fluorescent multifunctional particles can include various fluorescent dyes from UV region to near IR, include coumarin, fluoresceins, rhodamines, cyanine dyes, alexa fluor dyes. Customer conjugation and modification is available upon request.

Red fluorescent silica particles, amine function           Cat. No. Si500-AMRB-1     500 nm    0.5 mL

Bead Properties:

  • Concentration: 1~2% suspension in aqueous solution, other concentration available upon request;
  • Color: Pink to purple;
  • Excitation/Emission: ~545 nm/576 nm;

Storage Conditions:

  • Store at 4-8 0C. Protect from light. DO NOT FREEZE.

Tags: Fluorescent Silica Beads,

Red fluorescent silica particles, amine function Cat. No. Si1u-AMRB-1 1 um 0.5 mL修饰性聚乙二醇


Red fluorescent silica particles, amine function

Cat. No. Si1u-AMRB-1 Red fluorescent silica particles, amine function           Cat. No. Si1u-AMRB-1     1 um    0.5 mL
Specification 1 um
Unit Size 0.5 mL
Price $385.00

Qty Add to Cart

Red Fluorescent and amine functional Silica Particles:

Nanocs offers a number of Red fluorescent and multifunctional silica nanoparticles and microbeads with particle size ranging from 50 nm to 12 microns. Our proprietary synthetic methods ensure the strong fluorescent signal, high photostability of these fluorescent beads. These red fluorescent particles have excitation/emission wavelength around 546 nm/575 nm. On the other hand, primary amine groups on these fluorescent beads can be used to react with other groups. These particles have wide applications in flow cytometry, lateral flow assay, gene sequencing and many other bioassay development. These fluorescent multifunctional particles can include various fluorescent dyes from UV region to near IR, include coumarin, fluoresceins, rhodamines, cyanine dyes, alexa fluor dyes. Customer conjugation and modification is available upon request.

Red fluorescent silica particles, amine function           Cat. No. Si1u-AMRB-1     1 um    0.5 mL

Bead Properties:

  • Concentration: 1~2% suspension in aqueous solution, other concentration available upon request;
  • Color: Pink to purple;
  • Excitation/Emission: ~545 nm/576 nm;

Storage Conditions:

  • Store at 4-8 0C. Protect from light. DO NOT FREEZE.

Tags: Fluorescent Silica Beads,

Red fluorescent silica particles, amine function Cat. No. Si2u-AMRB-1 2 um 0.5 mL修饰性聚乙二醇


Red fluorescent silica particles, amine function

Cat. No. Si2u-AMRB-1 Red fluorescent silica particles, amine function           Cat. No. Si2u-AMRB-1     2 um    0.5 mL
Specification 2 um
Unit Size 0.5 mL
Price $385.00

Qty Add to Cart

Red Fluorescent and amine functional Silica Particles:

Nanocs offers a number of Red fluorescent and multifunctional silica nanoparticles and microbeads with particle size ranging from 50 nm to 12 microns. Our proprietary synthetic methods ensure the strong fluorescent signal, high photostability of these fluorescent beads. These red fluorescent particles have excitation/emission wavelength around 546 nm/575 nm. On the other hand, primary amine groups on these fluorescent beads can be used to react with other groups. These particles have wide applications in flow cytometry, lateral flow assay, gene sequencing and many other bioassay development. These fluorescent multifunctional particles can include various fluorescent dyes from UV region to near IR, include coumarin, fluoresceins, rhodamines, cyanine dyes, alexa fluor dyes. Customer conjugation and modification is available upon request.

Red fluorescent silica particles, amine function           Cat. No. Si2u-AMRB-1     2 um    0.5 mL

Bead Properties:

  • Concentration: 1~2% suspension in aqueous solution, other concentration available upon request;
  • Color: Pink to purple;
  • Excitation/Emission: ~545 nm/576 nm;

Storage Conditions:

  • Store at 4-8 0C. Protect from light. DO NOT FREEZE.

Tags: Fluorescent Silica Beads,

Red fluorescent silica particles, amine function Cat. No. Si5u-AMRB-1 5 um 0.5 mL修饰性聚乙二醇


Red fluorescent silica particles, amine function

Cat. No. Si5u-AMRB-1 Red fluorescent silica particles, amine function           Cat. No. Si5u-AMRB-1     5 um    0.5 mL
Specification 5 um
Unit Size 0.5 mL
Price $385.00

Qty Add to Cart

Red Fluorescent and amine functional Silica Particles:

Nanocs offers a number of Red fluorescent and multifunctional silica nanoparticles and microbeads with particle size ranging from 50 nm to 12 microns. Our proprietary synthetic methods ensure the strong fluorescent signal, high photostability of these fluorescent beads. These red fluorescent particles have excitation/emission wavelength around 546 nm/575 nm. On the other hand, primary amine groups on these fluorescent beads can be used to react with other groups. These particles have wide applications in flow cytometry, lateral flow assay, gene sequencing and many other bioassay development. These fluorescent multifunctional particles can include various fluorescent dyes from UV region to near IR, include coumarin, fluoresceins, rhodamines, cyanine dyes, alexa fluor dyes. Customer conjugation and modification is available upon request.

Red fluorescent silica particles, amine function           Cat. No. Si5u-AMRB-1     5 um    0.5 mL

Bead Properties:

  • Concentration: 1~2% suspension in aqueous solution, other concentration available upon request;
  • Color: Pink to purple;
  • Excitation/Emission: ~545 nm/576 nm;

Storage Conditions:

  • Store at 4-8 0C. Protect from light. DO NOT FREEZE.

Tags: Fluorescent Silica Beads,

Red fluorescent silica particles, amine function Cat. No. Si12u-AMRB-1 12 um 0.5 mL修饰性聚乙二醇


Red fluorescent silica particles, amine function

Cat. No. Si12u-AMRB-1 Red fluorescent silica particles, amine function           Cat. No. Si12u-AMRB-1     12 um    0.5 mL
Specification 12 um
Unit Size 0.5 mL
Price $385.00

Qty Add to Cart

Red Fluorescent and amine functional Silica Particles:

Nanocs offers a number of Red fluorescent and multifunctional silica nanoparticles and microbeads with particle size ranging from 50 nm to 12 microns. Our proprietary synthetic methods ensure the strong fluorescent signal, high photostability of these fluorescent beads. These red fluorescent particles have excitation/emission wavelength around 546 nm/575 nm. On the other hand, primary amine groups on these fluorescent beads can be used to react with other groups. These particles have wide applications in flow cytometry, lateral flow assay, gene sequencing and many other bioassay development. These fluorescent multifunctional particles can include various fluorescent dyes from UV region to near IR, include coumarin, fluoresceins, rhodamines, cyanine dyes, alexa fluor dyes. Customer conjugation and modification is available upon request.

Red fluorescent silica particles, amine function           Cat. No. Si12u-AMRB-1     12 um    0.5 mL

Bead Properties:

  • Concentration: 1~2% suspension in aqueous solution, other concentration available upon request;
  • Color: Pink to purple;
  • Excitation/Emission: ~545 nm/576 nm;

Storage Conditions:

  • Store at 4-8 0C. Protect from light. DO NOT FREEZE.

Tags: Fluorescent Silica Beads,

Red fluorescent silica particles, carboxyl function Cat. No. Si100-CARB-1 100 nm 0.5 mL修饰性聚乙二醇


Red fluorescent silica particles, carboxyl function

Cat. No. Si100-CARB-1 Red fluorescent silica particles, carboxyl function           Cat. No. Si100-CARB-1     100 nm    0.5 mL
Specification 100 nm
Unit Size 0.5 mL
Price $385.00

Qty Add to Cart

Red Fluorescent and carboxylic acid functional Silica Particles:

Nanocs offers a number of Red fluorescent and multifunctional silica nanoparticles and microbeads with particle size ranging from 50 nm to 12 microns. Our proprietary synthetic methods ensure the strong fluorescent signal, high photostability of these fluorescent beads. These red fluorescent particles have excitation/emission wavelength around 546 nm/575 nm. On the other hand, carboxylic acid groups on these fluorescent beads can be used to react with other groups. These particles have wide applications in flow cytometry, lateral flow assay, gene sequencing and many other bioassay development. These fluorescent multifunctional particles can include various fluorescent dyes from UV region to near IR, include coumarin, fluoresceins, rhodamines, cyanine dyes, alexa fluor dyes. Customer conjugation and modification is available upon request.

Red fluorescent silica particles, carboxyl function           Cat. No. Si100-CARB-1     100 nm    0.5 mL

Bead Properties:

  • Concentration: 1~2% suspension in aqueous solution, other concentration available upon request;
  • Color: Pink to purple;
  • Excitation/Emission: ~545 nm/576 nm;

Storage Conditions:

  • Store at 4-8 0C. Protect from light. DO NOT FREEZE.

Tags: Fluorescent Silica Beads,

Red fluorescent silica particles, carboxyl function Cat. No. Si500-CARB-1 500 nm 0.5 mL修饰性聚乙二醇


Red fluorescent silica particles, carboxyl function

Cat. No. Si500-CARB-1 Red fluorescent silica particles, carboxyl function           Cat. No. Si500-CARB-1     500 nm    0.5 mL
Specification 500 nm
Unit Size 0.5 mL
Price $385.00

Qty Add to Cart

Red Fluorescent and carboxylic acid functional Silica Particles:

Nanocs offers a number of Red fluorescent and multifunctional silica nanoparticles and microbeads with particle size ranging from 50 nm to 12 microns. Our proprietary synthetic methods ensure the strong fluorescent signal, high photostability of these fluorescent beads. These red fluorescent particles have excitation/emission wavelength around 546 nm/575 nm. On the other hand, carboxylic acid groups on these fluorescent beads can be used to react with other groups. These particles have wide applications in flow cytometry, lateral flow assay, gene sequencing and many other bioassay development. These fluorescent multifunctional particles can include various fluorescent dyes from UV region to near IR, include coumarin, fluoresceins, rhodamines, cyanine dyes, alexa fluor dyes. Customer conjugation and modification is available upon request.

Red fluorescent silica particles, carboxyl function           Cat. No. Si500-CARB-1     500 nm    0.5 mL

Bead Properties:

  • Concentration: 1~2% suspension in aqueous solution, other concentration available upon request;
  • Color: Pink to purple;
  • Excitation/Emission: ~545 nm/576 nm;

Storage Conditions:

  • Store at 4-8 0C. Protect from light. DO NOT FREEZE.

Tags: Fluorescent Silica Beads,

Red fluorescent silica particles, carboxyl function Cat. No. Si1u-CARB-1 1 um 0.5 mL修饰性聚乙二醇


Red fluorescent silica particles, carboxyl function

Cat. No. Si1u-CARB-1 Red fluorescent silica particles, carboxyl function           Cat. No. Si1u-CARB-1     1 um    0.5 mL
Specification 1 um
Unit Size 0.5 mL
Price $385.00

Qty Add to Cart

Red Fluorescent and carboxylic acid functional Silica Particles:

Nanocs offers a number of Red fluorescent and multifunctional silica nanoparticles and microbeads with particle size ranging from 50 nm to 12 microns. Our proprietary synthetic methods ensure the strong fluorescent signal, high photostability of these fluorescent beads. These red fluorescent particles have excitation/emission wavelength around 546 nm/575 nm. On the other hand, carboxylic acid groups on these fluorescent beads can be used to react with other groups. These particles have wide applications in flow cytometry, lateral flow assay, gene sequencing and many other bioassay development. These fluorescent multifunctional particles can include various fluorescent dyes from UV region to near IR, include coumarin, fluoresceins, rhodamines, cyanine dyes, alexa fluor dyes. Customer conjugation and modification is available upon request.

Red fluorescent silica particles, carboxyl function           Cat. No. Si1u-CARB-1     1 um    0.5 mL

Bead Properties:

  • Concentration: 1~2% suspension in aqueous solution, other concentration available upon request;
  • Color: Pink to purple;
  • Excitation/Emission: ~545 nm/576 nm;

Storage Conditions:

  • Store at 4-8 0C. Protect from light. DO NOT FREEZE.

Tags: Fluorescent Silica Beads,

Red fluorescent silica particles, carboxyl function Cat. No. Si2u-CARB-1 2 um 0.5 mL修饰性聚乙二醇


Red fluorescent silica particles, carboxyl function

Cat. No. Si2u-CARB-1 Red fluorescent silica particles, carboxyl function           Cat. No. Si2u-CARB-1     2 um    0.5 mL
Specification 2 um
Unit Size 0.5 mL
Price $385.00

Qty Add to Cart

Red Fluorescent and carboxylic acid functional Silica Particles:

Nanocs offers a number of Red fluorescent and multifunctional silica nanoparticles and microbeads with particle size ranging from 50 nm to 12 microns. Our proprietary synthetic methods ensure the strong fluorescent signal, high photostability of these fluorescent beads. These red fluorescent particles have excitation/emission wavelength around 546 nm/575 nm. On the other hand, carboxylic acid groups on these fluorescent beads can be used to react with other groups. These particles have wide applications in flow cytometry, lateral flow assay, gene sequencing and many other bioassay development. These fluorescent multifunctional particles can include various fluorescent dyes from UV region to near IR, include coumarin, fluoresceins, rhodamines, cyanine dyes, alexa fluor dyes. Customer conjugation and modification is available upon request.

Red fluorescent silica particles, carboxyl function           Cat. No. Si2u-CARB-1     2 um    0.5 mL

Bead Properties:

  • Concentration: 1~2% suspension in aqueous solution, other concentration available upon request;
  • Color: Pink to purple;
  • Excitation/Emission: ~545 nm/576 nm;

Storage Conditions:

  • Store at 4-8 0C. Protect from light. DO NOT FREEZE.

Tags: Fluorescent Silica Beads,

Red fluorescent silica particles, carboxyl function Cat. No. Si5u-CARB-1 5 um 0.5 mL修饰性聚乙二醇


Red fluorescent silica particles, carboxyl function

Cat. No. Si5u-CARB-1 Red fluorescent silica particles, carboxyl function           Cat. No. Si5u-CARB-1     5 um    0.5 mL
Specification 5 um
Unit Size 0.5 mL
Price $385.00

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Red Fluorescent and carboxylic acid functional Silica Particles:

Nanocs offers a number of Red fluorescent and multifunctional silica nanoparticles and microbeads with particle size ranging from 50 nm to 12 microns. Our proprietary synthetic methods ensure the strong fluorescent signal, high photostability of these fluorescent beads. These red fluorescent particles have excitation/emission wavelength around 546 nm/575 nm. On the other hand, carboxylic acid groups on these fluorescent beads can be used to react with other groups. These particles have wide applications in flow cytometry, lateral flow assay, gene sequencing and many other bioassay development. These fluorescent multifunctional particles can include various fluorescent dyes from UV region to near IR, include coumarin, fluoresceins, rhodamines, cyanine dyes, alexa fluor dyes. Customer conjugation and modification is available upon request.

Red fluorescent silica particles, carboxyl function           Cat. No. Si5u-CARB-1     5 um    0.5 mL

Bead Properties:

  • Concentration: 1~2% suspension in aqueous solution, other concentration available upon request;
  • Color: Pink to purple;
  • Excitation/Emission: ~545 nm/576 nm;

Storage Conditions:

  • Store at 4-8 0C. Protect from light. DO NOT FREEZE.

Tags: Fluorescent Silica Beads,

Red fluorescent silica particles, carboxyl function Cat. No. Si12u-CARB-1 12 um 0.5 mL修饰性聚乙二醇


Red fluorescent silica particles, carboxyl function

Cat. No. Si12u-CARB-1 Red fluorescent silica particles, carboxyl function           Cat. No. Si12u-CARB-1     12 um    0.5 mL
Specification 12 um
Unit Size 0.5 mL
Price $385.00

Qty Add to Cart

Red Fluorescent and carboxylic acid functional Silica Particles:

Nanocs offers a number of Red fluorescent and multifunctional silica nanoparticles and microbeads with particle size ranging from 50 nm to 12 microns. Our proprietary synthetic methods ensure the strong fluorescent signal, high photostability of these fluorescent beads. These red fluorescent particles have excitation/emission wavelength around 546 nm/575 nm. On the other hand, carboxylic acid groups on these fluorescent beads can be used to react with other groups. These particles have wide applications in flow cytometry, lateral flow assay, gene sequencing and many other bioassay development. These fluorescent multifunctional particles can include various fluorescent dyes from UV region to near IR, include coumarin, fluoresceins, rhodamines, cyanine dyes, alexa fluor dyes. Customer conjugation and modification is available upon request.

Red fluorescent silica particles, carboxyl function           Cat. No. Si12u-CARB-1     12 um    0.5 mL

Bead Properties:

  • Concentration: 1~2% suspension in aqueous solution, other concentration available upon request;
  • Color: Pink to purple;
  • Excitation/Emission: ~545 nm/576 nm;

Storage Conditions:

  • Store at 4-8 0C. Protect from light. DO NOT FREEZE.

Tags: Fluorescent Silica Beads,

MitoSOX Red


MitoSOX Red 

MitoSOX red 是一种荧光染料,靶向线粒体 ROS。MitoSOX red 可用于观察线粒体 ROS 的分布。

MitoSOX Red

MitoSOX Red Chemical Structure

CAS No. : 1003197-00-9

规格 是否有货
100 mg   询价  
250 mg   询价  
500 mg   询价  

* Please select Quantity before adding items.


MitoSOX red, a fluorescent dye, specifically targets mitochondrial ROS. MitoSOX red can be used to observed the distribution of mitochondrial ROS[1].








Room temperature in continental US; may vary elsewhere.


Please store the product under the recommended conditions in the Certificate of Analysis.

  • [1]. Fengjiao Jin, et al. The PI3K/Akt/GSK-3β/ROS/eIF2B pathway promotes breast cancer growth and metastasis via suppression of NK cell cytotoxicity and tumor cell susceptibility. Cancer Biol Med. 2019 Feb;16(1):38-54.
